Come join us August 18th (Friday) at Paul’s Gamerzone for our All Nighter Event!!! This month’s theme is BACK TO SCHOOL!! The All Nighter is coming early this month with the start of school just around the corner. So let’s party all night long and participate in fun activities like Movie School Trivia, card games and video games! Win prizes, and take your chances in the many raffles!
Paul’s Gamerzone is an Official Collection Site for the PACK TO SCHOOL donation drive! Sponsored by our friends over at Twin Dragon Trading Cards! You can check them out at Feel free to bring your donations out to the Gamerzone and let’s help those in need of school supplies for this upcoming school year!!!
Any donation of sealed school supplies will get you $5 dollars off entry to the All Nighter! Come on out and let’s support the students in need!!!
We’ll also be hosting our weekly One Piece tournament and Call of Duty 2v2 Search & Destroy tournament!! Entry for these events are $10!!!
Please call 330-323-6789 or message us on social media with any questions. We hope to see you there!!!
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